Local clubs / shooting grounds

Local clubs and shooting grounds

Rifle, shotgun or air rifle, if you are looking for a local club or shooting ground you can find them here.

(If any club wants adding to the list just give us a bell here at the shop)

North Cotes Butts

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One of the biggest (and friendliest) clubs in the country, North Cotes caters for pretty much all shooting disciplines.

 Over the years the site has gone from strength to strength. They currently have a 25 metre range, 40 metre range and 100 metre tube range (the Tunnel).  They are also in the process of building a western range with many more plans in the pipeline…

In addition to this Clay Pigeon Shooting is also on offer (mainly sporting, but skeet is also available) on a daily basis. 10am until 4pm (to shoot clays outside of these times please ring on 01472 388984.

There are Club Practical Shotgun competitions nearly every month (UKPSA rules apply). 

Steel plate shoots for anyone interested in something little different are run by a group of members, The NC Bushwackers

Yeehaa!!! The British Western Shooting Society (BWSS) run a competition at club most months. You don’t have to be a member to come and have a look if you’re feeling a little wild.

If you want target shooting they have many members who enjoy various disciplines of this from Air Rifle and Air Pistol, Rim-fire Rifle and Pistol, Full-bore Rifle, Black Powder Muzzle loading Rifles and Pistols (all still legal) to Target Shotgun with the NTSA (National Target Shotgun Association).

We thoroughly recommend North Cotes here at FLG and without doubt they are the friendliest and most welcoming club anywhere...

So if any of these activities or events takes your fancy go and see them - and while you’re here try their  “famous” NCB Bacon Butties, have a Cuppa and a look at all they have to offer !

Address - North Cotes Butts Shooting Club
Kenneth Campbell Rd
North Cotes Airfield
North Cotes
DN36 5XU

Contact No. - 01472 388984

E mail - info@northcotesbutts.co.uk

Hillside Sporting Targets -  Claxby

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Situated just a few miles north of Market Rasen, Hillside is a fantastic clay ground with some challenging stands and legendary flushes !  This ground is OUR clay ground of choice and you can sometimes see the FLG staff up there missing clays on a Sunday morning...

Located at Claxby House Farm, approximately 5 miles from Market Rasen in Lincolnshire they offer Clay Pigeon shooting, which includes a full 100 bird sporting layout, individual or team flushes and a high bird tower.

Private tuition, taster sessions and corporate days are also available by appointment only. Their corporate shooting events can accommodate up-to 50 people and are suitable for everyone from beginners to experts.

Whether its just for practice or full corporate hospitality we fully recommend Hillside here at FLG, and head man Alan Pearce is not only a superb coach, but also a thoroughly nice chap to boot !

Address - Claxby House Farm, Claxby, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire LN8 3YT

Coach - Alan Pearce

Hillside at Claxby - now back to their normal opening hours - 

Thursdays 10am - 4pm*

Saturdays 10am - 1pm. Afternoons - appointments only (ring Alan)

Sundays 10am - 1pm sharp

Contact no - 01472371634
Mobile -  07920522374

* - Seasonal variations - check with ground first

Reepham Shooting Centre

Reepham Shooting Centre is a friendly rifle club near Lincoln. They meet every Saturday throughout the year at Reepham Moor Rifle Range. There are two outdoor ranges – a covered 25m with 12 firing points and a covered 75m with 8 firing points. The 25m range now has purpose made benchrest firing points ideal for smallbore and air rifle.

They now have 3 purpose built shotgun bays for clay shooting too.

Smallbore - Fullbore - Black Powder - Clays - Air Rifle/pistol
New members welcome
Age 10 to 80 (plus)
Club rifles available
Help & support available
Covered firing Points
Disabled friendly

Address - Reepham Moor Rifle Range

Website - reephamshootingcentre.co.uk

Contact No.-  01522 753670

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Blyton shooting ground

At Blyton (formally known as Pinewood shooting ground), you can try your hand at clay pigeon shooting, or give our Archery range a try.

Set in the picturesque North Lincolnshire countryside, less than 15 miles from the M180. A family run business, with activities ideal for the beginner or the professional alike.

Various clay shooting disciplines are available. From English Sporting, skeet, sporting compacts, and we can personally vouch that they have some fantastic stands and challenging targets too !

They have a cafe area, Ladies and Gents toilet facilities.and are disabled friendly. Many of the England disabled shooting team train here !

Address -  Pyewipe Hall Farm/Sandbeck La, Gainsborough DN21 3LN,

Contact no - 01427 628900

Lincolnshire Bell Target Shooting

What is Bell Target? Bell Target, in its simplest form is shooting at a circular target 6 yards/18 feet away with a .177 Air rifle or pistol with open sights and without any form of mechanical support. The object of the sport is to shoot a .177 pellet through the 3/8″ hole in the middle of the target and ring a bell. 

Able to be used inside perfectly safely, with venues including pubs, clubs and village halls, Bell Target shooting is an increasingly popular shooting past time. What’s not to like having a pint and then having a go at ringing the bell ? It’s not easy that’s for sure !

With a thriving local league everybody is welcome, and meets are taking place at locations up and down the county on a regular basis.

For more Lincolnshire Bell Target league information, or details on how to join, or enter your pub or club as a team, please contact Dave Carter, Lincolnshire Bell Target Development Officer. We have everything you need to form a team including frames, backing material, bell boxes, in fact we have air rifles you can borrow. All you need is a location and a team.

David Carter contact details: - 

E-mail: dc_a@btconnect.com 

Mobile: 07875 072880

There is also an active Facebook site with upcoming venues, dates and latest news - just go to the Lincolnshire Bell Target Shooting page.

Springfield (Ancaster)
Rifle and Pistol Club

Springfield Rifle and Pistol Club is located in quiet woodland, adjacent to the village of Ancaster, near Grantham, Lincolnshire.

It is a community Amateur Sports and Private Members Club, managed by Members for the Members. It is a friendly club, with the Membership being made up of young and old, experienced and inexperienced, where members can improve their skills in a friendly, pleasant atmosphere.

They have a Clubhouse on site with refreshment facilities, and toilets, always a good place to swap knowledge, and in the Winter months to get warm !!

There is ample parking on site so no “lugging” heavy gun cases and ammo bags around.

Members shoot everything from antique muzzle loading rifles and pistols, Lightweight Sports Rifles, prone target rifles and even small cannons.

Springfield Rifle and Pistol Club has a membership that is growing annually, contact them for further details.

Address - Springfield Rifle and Pistol Club,
Ancaster Ranges,
Pottergate Road,
Ancaster, Grantham,
NG32 3QZ

Website- www.springfieldrifleandpistolclub.co.uk

Contact no - 01400 230985

Sleaford Smallbore Rifle Club

The club is predominantly a .22 Rimfire prone rifle club and caters for various other disciplines - there are two ranges with the ground floor solely prone target rifle, whilst the first floor range is multi-discipline.

Prospective members should visit the club on a Tuesday or Friday evening when they can collect an application form. This will give you the opportunity to look round and ask any questions. We open around 7.30 pm, and as the outer door has security access, you may wish to knock loudly!

Membership fees are quite modest, at £45pa for adults and £35 for under 18's.
Minimum age is 12 years if accompanied by an adult club member or 14 years if accompanied by a parent.
Please note that access to the club is initially by 3 steps with a flight of stairs to the club room.

The club recommend that visitors use the Sainsbury's car park off Westbanks.

Address - Sleaford Smallbore Rifle Club,
Steven's Lane, Westgate, Sleaford

Contact details - ssbrc@hotmail.co.uk

Ruston Bucyrus Rifle club - Lincoln

A Small, friendly small bore target rifle club.

Facilities include a clubhouse with covered firing points and outside butts. 
New members welcome

Facilities include a clubhouse with covered firing points and outside butts.

Club equipment is available for novice shooters with NSRA qualified club instructors on hand to help you enjoy your first time shooting in a safe and controlled environment.

Address - Moorland Railway Social Club Ground, Newark Road, Lincoln, LN6 8RT

Contact no - 07765 258091

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Gainsborough rifle and pistol club

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A target-shooting club in Lincolnshire, catering for .22 rimfire, air rifle and air pistol. The idea behind our sport is to use a gun to punch holes in a piece of paper very, very precisely.

Members shoot in competitions for air pistol, sporting rifle (including air rifle), and benchrest as well as those for pure target rifles. We can accommodate visually impaired shooters and wheelchair users.

They shoot air pistol and air rifle at ten metres and twenty yards, sporting rifle and benchrest at twenty yards and fifty metres, target rifle at twenty yards, fifty metres and one hundred yards.

Currently their most popular discipline is sporting rifle at twenty yards, but if you are interested in another style of shooting they will find a competition to suit you.

If you are a beginner, you will be taught the safe handling and accurate shooting of rifles and pistols on our indoor range, using club guns. There will always be somebody present to coach you and to answer any questions you may have, although there is no guarantee that you will get the same answer if you ask the same question twice; a lot of things in shooting are a matter of (strong) opinion.

Prone rifle, Sporting rifle, Air range, bench rest, visually impaired shooting and a practise range are all available.

Address - Gainsborough Rifle & Pistol Club, Morton, Gainsborough, DN21 3ET

Contact details - grpc5159@gmail.com

Keelby Rifle club

Keebly rifle club have an outdoor and an indoor range in North Lincolnshire. The Club has qualified NSRA club coaches, qualified range officers, club guns to use. The range at Kirmington has a covered firing point which protects you from the weather which you can shoot 50 to 100 yards. With parking and a toilet it is perfect for outdoor competitions.

The indoor range at Keelby has a 25 yard range with two firing points for prone shooting. Also for air rifle and pistol a range up to 20 yards and 20 yard Light weight sports and two dedicated bench rests. The tunnel is fully lit with strip lighting and flood light and the end of the range. The club house is heated and lit with a table and seating arrangements.     

Address - South St
Manor Cl
DN41 8EG

Contact details- david.johnson65@btinternet.com

Lincolnshire Smallbore rifle association 

The Lincolnshire Small-bore Rifle Association (LSRA), formed in 1907, is an association of target shooting clubs located in the county of Lincolnshire.
Lincolnshire is an active target shooting county with over 20 clubs and 1000+ members.
Shooting is a sport for all ages, abilities and some types of disability including Visual Impairment.
Their website is a gateway to a range of clubs which are involved in shooting Air Pistol, Air Rifle (Precision, Sporting, Benchrest, Visually Impaired), Small-bore 0.22calibre Rifle (Prone, 3 Position, Sporting, Benchrest) and Target Crossbow, at distances from 10 metres to 100 yards on indoor and outdoor ranges spread across the county.
The LSRA support and encourage Target Shooting in Lincolnshire by providing a wide range of team and individual competitions across these disciplines.
An established training and coaching programme gives club officials the expertise to manage competitions and train and coach shooters. Coaching is also given to shooters keen to improve and extend their skills.
The LSRA offer the opportunity to compete in nationally run competitions at club and county level.

For a wealth of information for either a beginner or experienced shooter just visit their website !

Website - www.lsra.co.uk

Lincoln and District Rifle and Pistol Club

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A popular target rifle, shotgun and muzzle loading pistol club based at Reepham, near Lincoln.

They shoot every Sunday, from air rifles through to High Muzzle Energy centre-fire target rifles.

They have a 25 metre pistol calibre range and also a 75 metre all calibre range from a covered firing point.

Meeting every Sunday to shoot from 1030 hrs to about 1430 hrs in a relaxed and safe manner.

People interested in shooting at the club please come and see them on any Sunday for a chat but please just let us know 48 hours in advance. Shooting for new members will only take place on their  guest day which is the third Sunday of every month.

Address - Moor Lane, Fiskerton, LN3 4EG

Contact details - 

Chairman: Andy Graham – Email m3ajg@btinternet.com

Secretary: Trevor Wilson – Email trev_wilson1@outlook.com

Website - lincolnanddistrictrifleandpistolclub.net

North East Lincolnshire Target Club

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A private member-owned sporting club for target shooters in and around the North East Lincolnshire area, the North East Lincolnshire Target Club boasts two all-weather 25 metre indoor ranges and a large members’ bar/lounge area. Free car parking is available on site.

Range One is equipped for the target shooting of gallery firearms ranging from .22 Long Rifle to .455 pistol calibres (and black powder pistol up to .50 calibre).

There are four shooting lanes with main positions at 25 metres and provision for shooting at 15 and 10 metre distances. Static paper targets are used for general shooting but the range also features an automated turning target system, which is used for our regular Police Rifle competitions.

Range Two is used for the shooting of air pistols and rifles, with a range of target types from 10m precision air pistol through to 25m steel knock-downs.

This range also features a turning target system (similar to Range One), which is used in our dynamic air pistol competitions.

Club nights are Mondays & Thursdays 19:30-22:30, excluding Bank Holidays. On these evenings the Club ranges will be open under Range Officer supervision and the Club lounge will be open to members.

With club guns available to use, a lounge and bar area serving food, North Lincs Target Club has everything you need !

Address - situated just outside of Bradley Village, on the east side of Bradley Road, Grimsby (use postcode DN37 0AA for the general area). The Club building access is through a gated drive along the hedgerow on the opposite side of the road to Bradley Village.

Contact details - For all enquiries please email the Club Secretary on: secretary@neltc.org.uk or call: 07948 683615

Website - www.neltc.org.uk

Hemswell Shooting Club

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Hemswell shooting club was founded in 1993 when an old 25m RAF practice range was converted for civilian use. The club is licensed to shoot Smallbore and Fullbore including 30 calibre rifles, Airguns and Black powder. The range is accessible to its members seven days a week between the hours of 8am to 9pm on the condition that at least two full members are present at the club before shooting can commence for safety purposes.

Members are encouraged to take part in competitions however members can also shoot for pleasure and are not forced to take part in anything that they do not wish to participate in. Many disciplines are practiced including free standing (light weight sport rifle), prone and bench rest.

Address - The Old Shooting Ground, Caenby Corner Estate, Gibson Rd, Hemswell Cliff, Gainsborough DN21 5TL

Website - www.hemswellsc.co.uk

Contact no - 07307186248

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